CNL Finals is an invitation only Ninja Competition
How to Qualify:
Any athlete with 6 league points or more will be invited to the CNL Championships. This will be determined by the points earned through the regular CNL season. With LCQ being the Last Chance to Qualify in the regular season and not at finals.
Championship format will place ninjas against a 2 stage obstacle course.
Athletes will be seeded based upon points earned for the season, those with the lowest points will run 1st. ​
Running Order, ​​for situations where there is a tie, we will use the following method:
Tie for a position in the top 5 - We will use a tiebreaker on the day of the competition
Tie for a position outside of the top 5 - We will choose a random order.
How to qualify is "subject" to change based on number of athletes per division.
Running The Finals Course:
Stage 1 will be same rules as the regular season.
Each course will have a time limit, once time limit is reached athletes run will end.
Max Rest time between obstacles is 30 seconds.
Athletes will accrue points for each obstacle they complete. Some obstacles can be worth more points than others, this is up to the gym to decide.
The top 50% of athletes from stage 1 will advance to stage 2. If the number of competitors is not even, we will round up to include 1 more rather than 1 less athlete.
When an individual fails to complete an obstacle, their run will end.
If there is still time on the clock Youth competitors (9 and under & 10-12) will be allowed to attempt the rest of the course "FOR FUN".
Athletes cannot skip any obstacles, they must complete them to move on.
Max Rest time between obstacles is 30 seconds.
The winner will be determined by the individual who completes the most obstacles in the fastest time for the Stage 2 course.