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Ages Groups: DIVISIONS HAVE CHANGED FOR SEASON 7.  Athletes will be divided into 9 divisions, each division will be male and female.  Divisions are as follows :

  •  7 and under

  • 9 and under

  • 11 and under

  • 13 and under

  • 15 and under

  • Pro/Am 16-25

  • Pro/Am 26-39

  • Pro

  • Masters Over 40. 

Athletes may compete up and age group, however 15 and under must jump to pro if they wish to compete up, 15 and Under divisions can not bump up to Pro/Am.  For example a 14 year old may compete pro but may not compete Pro/Am since Pro/Am is 16 +.

Note - Athlete’s  will compete in the division based upon their age at the first competition of each season.

Example: If a 9 year old turns 10 the day after the first league competition, then they can still compete in the 9 and under group.  


Registration: All athletes must be registered each season with the CNL to compete at CNL events.  If membership is not paid points from competitions will not be counted.  This is automatically tracked though Ninja Master so purchase must happen prior to competing..

Fee - $25 plus (convenience fees) for Individuals.  Membership is good for entire season.

Pricing: $55 (plus convenience fees) for all divisions except pro

               $65 for Pros (plus convenience fees)

Registration will close Monday night the week of competition at 11:59pm. 

Signing up after registration closes will be $100 and will run 1st.


Description & Rules: 

Course Description & Rules:  We want to take the pressure off of athletes so they do not fear failing on the first obstacle. Therefore all athletes are allowed to attempt every obstacle on the course whether they complete the obstacle or not. They just need to do so within the set time limit. GYMS CANNOT FORCE MOVES. This means that as long as the athlete gets from the starting platform to the ending platform WITHOUT using truss, Straps/Bolts, touching the ground/out of bounds mats, or any miscellaneous structures, they can use/skip any obstacles, unless otherwise stated by a CNL rep.

  • Course walkthrough rules must be recorded DURING THE WALKTHROUGH for each gym so athletes can reference it.

  • Each course will have a time limit.

  • Max Rest time between obstacles is 30 seconds

  • Athletes will accrue a 30 second penalty for skipping an obstacle. If the athlete makes a "fake" attempt, the judges will decide whether or not to enforce the penalty. This is 100% up to the gym judge and the CNL rep attending the competition.

  • Athletes will accrue points for each obstacle they complete. Some obstacles can be worth more points than others, this is up to the gym to decide.

  • Your total points for the day will determine your final placement. If there is a tie on points, placement will be determined by the fastest time.

  • There must be at least 3 in the masters division or they will have to pick pro/amateur.

  • No Forced Moves, this will be determined by a CNL representative at least 1 week in advance to course walkthrough

  • No Truss/Unapproved Structures

  • No Straps/Bolts

  • Any appeals must be brought to judge or CNL rep before your division is over or if your the last runner as soon as your run is over. 

  • NO APPEALS FOR ANY RUNNER EXCEPT YOUR OWN!! Violations will be subject to disqualification


  • Athletes must have CNL membership prior to start of competition for league points to count.

  • Athletes will earn 1 League point for competing at each CNL event. To get your point you MUST run the course! Only paying for entry fee does not guarantee your point!

  • Athletes must attempt the course to get full league points.  Registering and not attending will result in no league points.  

  • Athletes will earn additional points based on how they place at CNL events.

  • Athletes will be judged on # of obstacles completed and time to completion. Therefore an athlete who completes 10 obstacles in 4 minutes will place higher and earn more points on a course than an athlete who completes 9 obstacles in 3 minutes.

  • Athletes will earn league points based on what place they finish at CNL meets:

    • 1st   = 10 pts

    • 2nd = 9 pts

    • 3rd = 8 pts

    • 4th = 7 pts

    • 5th = 6 pts

    • 6th = 5 pts

    • 7th = 4 pts

    • 8th = 3 pts

    • 9th = 2 pts

    • 10th = 1 pts

    • Note each place will also get the 1 league point for competing.

    • Placement (league) points and obstacle points are 2 different things.


  • Athletes will accumulate League Points at each CNL event. To earn an invite to the championships you must have at least 6 league points. Note: points are based off comp placement and not obstacles completed in the season.

  • Top point leader for each division male & female gain entry to finals for free!

  • All rules are "subject" to change.

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